Friday, September 18, 2009

Pop Culture Overload

This week has been too saturated by pop culture for me to write anything here. It overwhelmed me and made me feel kind of bad about #1) living in a society that gives so much of a shit about what stupid celebrities have to say and completely disregards genuinely life altering global events and #2) living in the center of that shit storm. Of course, then I felt like a huge hypocrite as technically, I make a living off of those shit raindrops and I'm obviously a pop culture consumer. There is a line somewhere and I think, for me, it was crossed this week.
I am excited to report that this week also welcomed the beginning of plans for an extraordinary, favorite people-filled California/Oregon Christmas adventure that I must start negotiating now so that I have something to look forward to over the next couple vacation-less months. I CANNOT wait to get into those Oregon hot springs. SCALDING!**
Another positive note - I was scheduled for jury duty this week in downtown LA and didn't actually have to go in. This is the 3rd time that this phenomenon has occurred. Twice in Chicago and now once here. I have a theory that this is due in part to my last name starting with a W. But, who knows? Maybe I'm just really lucky.
Some girl from a physical therapy office upstairs just brought us a box of fortune cookies. I didn't open one. I think today, I'd rather not know.

**It is possible that I may be addicted to vacations.

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