Friday, September 18, 2009

The Office/Fringe - Returning Favs

Fringe - How about when Olivia flew out of the freaking windshield? Just when I think that this show can't possibly throw anymore curve balls, the writers manage to pull out some pretty amazing stuff. During the season finale last year, I fell off my elliptical I was so shocked. I will admit that I should have rewatched last season's finale before watching last night's episode. I don't particularly care for the new regular - Agent Jessup; I'll give her a few more episodes to completely pass judgment. Not sure that it was really necessary to introduce a new FBI agent into the mix. Is she a love interest for Peter? Who isn't, I guess. Did you see the way he caressed Olivia's sister's cheek while they were in the hospital corridor? Hello! Maybe we're not finished there. Although the sister did make a point of saying how much Olivia "liked" Peter.
I'm glad that no one has ever stuck a three pronged morphing device into my mouth and then stuffed my body into a furnace. I was sorely disappointed to see Charlie go. Although I am looking forward to seeing Kirk Acevedo show off his acting chops. Hopefully he'll be around for at least a few more episodes. What must it be like for an actor to set a cast of himself on fire? I bet it's weird. One thing that I found to be rather ridiculous was the fact that no one thought to check the inside of Charlie's mouth after they found him with the nurse's dead body. Hello?! You know how the device works! Did it not occur to any of them to investigate this further?
I loved loved loved the typewriter portal. Who was on the other side? Is Spock coming back? How will Olivia regain her memory? What does she know how to find?
Nina Sharp kissed Broyles! Are they having an affair? Dirty. I like it. Let's hear more.
Will Peter find out he is from another dimension? I think there was significance about custard on his birthday. It's anyone's guess what the hell that significance is.
Peter definitely seems more bad-ass and haunted this season. Maybe because they are shooting in Vancouver now? the preview for the rest of the season - who is Walter kissing on the porch? Is that Peter's mom? Are they in the other dimension? Is she still alive there?

I read a blurb in the LA Times today in which the writer noted she is sick of serials and wanted more episodics. Yet, she also seemed to have a problem with all the franchise L&Os and CSIs etc. While I agree there are better, more creative and original things on which to spend money than another NCIS (on which, according to the billboard, Chris O'Donnell and LL Cool J have the same skin color), at least it's not Jay Leno.

This is getting long and there was A LOT of new TV on last night.
Thought The Office opener was great. Writing was better than it has been for awhile. I hope they draw Pam's pregnancy out for the season. Whenever babies enter a sitcom, it tends to go downhill. Although, they did manage to handle Jan's baby pretty well. We'll see.
Community wasn't bad. I'll stay in for a few more episodes. My boss had never heard of Joel McCale - he had no idea who he was. Crazy. Chevy Chase sure is good at making faces. Anything else you can do, sir?
Heard Parks & Rec was great. Haven't watched it yet.

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