Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Laundry mats

Sitting outside the laundry mat. Is anything more boring? Possibly the DMV, but one doesn't have to do that as often. I think that if a person has to sit outside the laundry mat on a regular basis then they have failed in life. This is not the way things are supposed to be. I mean, come on, people. I watched a documentary series recently called "I Shouldn't Be Alive." I SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN ALLOWED to watch it. People actually were torn apart by sharks like they were pieces of chum. I sincerely hope I am never eaten by sharks. I keep thinking of it because I've been very dehydrated lately and those people went without water for something like 7 days. Two guys drank salt water and went crazy and basically fed themselves to the sharks. I cannot comprehend this kind of desperation, but, really, you never know when you might be faced with an extraordinary situation. You cannot write about that kind of emotion and I think, unless they've experienced it first hand, an actor cannot portray it. But those people who do reenactments for the Discovery Channel do a damn fine job. It's just unfuckingbelievable and most of us will go our entire lives without coming close to anything like it.
Okay, the guy just closed the laundry mat. I better be able to get back in there to retrieve my clothes. I prefer to sit in my car while my laundry is tumbling. I feel like it's a little nest. A little nest filled with cigarette smoke and empty diet mountain dew bottles. Laundry mats seem so dirty and lonely to me. A lot of people have good laundry mat stories. What happens at the laundry mat, stays at the laundry mat. How many times have I written the words "laundry mat?" Seven.
God, I'm thirsty. There's a 7-11 across the street, but I'd rather stay in my car and be thirsty.
I'm going in to wait.

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