Thursday, November 19, 2009


Oooohhhh boy. I have not smoked all day long. It turns out that I am addicted to those little f-ing sticks. In an effort to reduce my chances of getting lung cancer (or throat cancer or having a heart attack or stroke or having constricted blood vessels or losing my sense of smell or developing COPD or emphysema), I have decided to quit smoking. Again. How many times does the average person have to try to quit before it sticks? 7? I wonder what number I am on. Maybe 5. So, hopefully, I'm ahead of the curve. I have always been very advanced and I'm sure this is no exception. I've just been chewing gum all day, something I normally do anyway, so I doubt that it's helping. I am certainly not a heavy smoker, but I think sometimes it's more difficult to abstain when you have specific times when you usually have a cigarette. For instance, I like having a cigarette break as soon as my employers pull out of the parking garage for the evening. Today, instead, I made a chart for Thanksgiving and highlighted things. Not really as satisfying, but slightly more productive. If only I can keep track of it until the weekend. We'll see...
Also, I'm itchy. Not sure if it is related, but it's pretty annoying. My office was inundated by the smell of Chinese food this afternoon, but rather than ordering a ton of it for lunch, I ate the 300 calories worth of food I brought from home and called my friend and told her to meet me at PF Changs after work. A slight improvement in behavior. At least if I'm eating with someone else, I won't eat as much as I would if I was eating alone. Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, the word of the day is PROGRESS. It is slow, but it is forward moving. One day I hope to function like a normal adult female. I'll keep you posted.

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