Friday, April 16, 2010

Save-the-Dates TV Challenge

I am issuing myself a weekend challenge - Not to turn the TV on from 7pm Friday to 7 pm Monday. This is what is referred to as "Extreme." Maybe even "X-treme." Put your bets in now, people. I will report back on Monday and let you know how I do. It may prove to be particularly difficult on Saturday afternoon as many of my friends are attending a wedding to which I was not invited. Interestingly, I received a "Save-the-Date" for said wedding, yet no official invitation ever arrived. This presented a socially awkward/unpleasant situation with which I was not quite sure how to deal. What is the protocol for something like that? Clearly, they had planned on inviting me 5 months ago. BUT, in the 5 months that have passed since the Save-the-Date was received, I haven't seen the bride and groom too much. Perhaps they realized they had over-invited and had to make some cuts? Who knows? It is a question, unfortunately, I felt like I could not pose to the happy couple. If they had indeed uninvited me, it would be embarrassing and rude to make them say it to my face. On the other hand, there is a possibility that my invitation was lost in the mail. I have moved since the Save-the-Date was sent, but, my mail was forwarded, so even if they sent it to the old address, it should have made it to me. Of course, if this is the case, then they probably think that I am the asshole who doesn't RSVP and is just not going to show up for their big day. Either way, I think that is a topic that can't really be broached until after the wedding, so I am going to miss it tomorrow which will make it very hard for me to resist turning on the television set and feeling sorry for myself. I'm going to do my best to stare at the wall and feel sorry for myself instead.
No carbs til Tuesday when Megsy and I go to The Palm. Oh, Lobster bisque, I cannot say no to you.

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