Friday, February 26, 2010

Hot Guy Boot Camp Invasion!

This morning at boot camp our instructor announced that she would be absent for a couple days at the end of next week and that there would be a substitute drill sergeant filling in for her. She then proceeded to pass out a flier with several other announcements and a photograph of the substitute in question. Now, this photo was in black and white and was clearly a digital photo which had been copied, but, from what I can tell, this guy is extremely hot. Having an incredibly good looking guy tell me to run around and do push ups and dead weight lifts does not interest me AT ALL. It makes me nervous. I don't want him to see me that way. I gotta tell you, boot camp is not a pretty place nor am I pretty while in attendance. Today I had to ask for a tissue because I had so much snot coming out of my face. Luckily, someone had a crumpled up paper towel in their pocket, otherwise I would have been forced to use my pink hoodie or to just wipe my face on the dewy grass. I think the only time I've been happier to see a paper towel is that one time when I was peeing on the side of the road. I have vowed to attend all 5 classes next week and I will not let SUB's presence deter me from my goal. I will, however, avoid eye contact at all cost and try to set up my mat as far away from him as possible.
Interestingly, I have a male gynecologist and that doesn't seem to bother me.

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