Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Let's talk about EARTHQUAKES

Recently, there has been quite a bit of tectonic plate movement on this fair earth of ours. As a resident of Southern California, I'm mildly concerned by all this activity. Just in the past week, there have been 2 in towns through which BFF and I traveled on our recent holiday trip. Today, there was a pretty big one in Haiti. And, apparently, for the past several months, the border of California and Mexico has had an unusually high number of earthquake swarms.
I have felt 2 earthquakes in the past 3 years. Or ever in my life, I suppose. The first one shook my office building and I almost hid under my desk and the second one was barely noticeable. Because of all this first hand experience, I think I can expertly say that earthquakes are fucking frightening and I don't want to be here when the shit goes down.
I've been researching earthquake survival kits. It seems that the best option is to compile your own. The prepackage ones you can buy online come with "food bars." These are NOT Luna bars, people. They are these weird little squares that apparently can sustain an adult human for 3 days. They appear to be made of cardboard and, according to the packaging, taste lemon-y.
One blogger suggested peanut butter and jelly and crackers. A friend of mine keeps a giant bag of shelled peanuts in her closet. I'm going to continue my research and when I put together my own kit this weekend, I'll post a list. Hopefully, nothing will happen between now and then.
Despite the levity in parts of this post, earthquakes are not a joke. My most positive thoughts are being sent to Haiti today.

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