Thursday, January 21, 2010

Don't text me, I'll text you

I've decided that sending important news via text message is NOT okay. Recently, I've had several friends end relationships through the magic of text message. In fact, I received a rather hilariously passive one myself this morning. There is an episode of Seinfeld in which Jerry debates whether he can break up with a girl over the phone or if he has to do it in person. Elaine tells him if they've slept together then he has to do it in person. I know that this show was written in the 90s, but I think that this standard should still apply. You can't break up over TEXT! I will admit that I am just as guilty of hiding behind technology as the next person. To be honest, the text I got this morning was in response to an email I had sent. It is so much easier to press "send" at the top of an email than to confront someone face to face. Just to get my point across, I "unfriended" on Facebook. This way, the offending party knows I mean business, but it requires very little pain and suffering on my part. And, it leaves the door wide open for them to speculate what exactly my problem might be. Through these new methods of communication, we are able to avoid so much disappointment and we have a record of EXACTLY what we "said." The bad thing is, when you avoid actually having a conversation, you aren't able to see the other person's face and you don't get to know what their initial reaction is. Most likely, the first version of the text/email is different from the one that is actually sent. Catherine and I spend good chunks of time composing the perfect text response for various occasions. Not only have you completely avoided hearing the person's voice, you've probably had their side of the conversation in your own stupid head.
If this is the kind of behavior coming from someone who grew up without a cellphone and who was alive before the internet was invented, what's going to happen to the poor socially-retarded younger set?
I am resolving to to only convey important info verbally. Or I'll at least send a handwritten letter.
And I'll try to stop saying, "info."

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