Friday, February 26, 2010

Hot Guy Boot Camp Invasion!

This morning at boot camp our instructor announced that she would be absent for a couple days at the end of next week and that there would be a substitute drill sergeant filling in for her. She then proceeded to pass out a flier with several other announcements and a photograph of the substitute in question. Now, this photo was in black and white and was clearly a digital photo which had been copied, but, from what I can tell, this guy is extremely hot. Having an incredibly good looking guy tell me to run around and do push ups and dead weight lifts does not interest me AT ALL. It makes me nervous. I don't want him to see me that way. I gotta tell you, boot camp is not a pretty place nor am I pretty while in attendance. Today I had to ask for a tissue because I had so much snot coming out of my face. Luckily, someone had a crumpled up paper towel in their pocket, otherwise I would have been forced to use my pink hoodie or to just wipe my face on the dewy grass. I think the only time I've been happier to see a paper towel is that one time when I was peeing on the side of the road. I have vowed to attend all 5 classes next week and I will not let SUB's presence deter me from my goal. I will, however, avoid eye contact at all cost and try to set up my mat as far away from him as possible.
Interestingly, I have a male gynecologist and that doesn't seem to bother me.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Pancake day (1 week late)

I ate a Lean Cuisine today that I had put in the mini fridge freezer in my office quite awhile ago. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but now my stomach is making weird noises. It does say "No Preservatives" in big letters on the front of the box and it did have a fairly flourishing patch of freezer burn all over the top. I have vowed to bring my lunch everyday this week and when I was packing up this morning, I was a bit rushed and distinctly remembered putting that baked chicken with corn and fake mashed potatoes in there. What was I supposed to do?

I think there is a ghost in the bathroom at work. One of the automatic faucets in there keeps going off even though no one is activating it (my stomach just made a weird noise again). I was sitting in a stall, minding my own business, thinking I was alone the first time it happened. It's really cold in there, too. I wonder if anyone else has noticed it. Too bad there are no other women in this office.

I keep finding tiny holes in the bottoms of my shirts. I think it's like 4 or 5 of them now. Maybe it's the washing machine? Or the detergent? Whatever it is, I don't care for it. I really don't want to buy new clothes right now. I'm too fat and I'm waiting for the boot camp activities to kick in before new garments are purchased. I'm off to join the gym tonight. LA Fitness - they have nighttime yoga classes which is great when you have no daylight hours to yourself.

I've been working on the weekends for one of our clients. The nice thing about it besides the extra money is the items one acquires while assisting someone with good taste in a bit of early spring cleaning.

Tomorrow is free pancake day at IHOP. I realize that 3 pancakes are not that expensive and are basically available to me whenever I may need them, but I am surprisingly excited about this event. I've already sent the word out to several people and I'm pretty sure I've amassed a free pancake posse. This is probably going to be the most exciting thing that happens to me this week. Sad or awesome? You decide.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Oscars

If District 9 wins a single Academy Award, I am changing professions.