Thursday, September 23, 2010

Summer is Over or Weird Happenings at the Grocers

Where did my summer go? I guess we'll never really know as I have failed to appropriately document it for all the world to see. Highlights included a 10 mai tai birthday, a visit/road trip with the BFF, falling in love with the Real Housewives of New Jersey all over again, underachieving at my current place of employ, joining and quiting two different gyms, setting a list on fire and throwing the ashes into the ocean, a minor medical procedure, feng shui-ing my apartment in a pathetic attempt to improve my life drastically through minimal effort, a foray into semi-professional blogging that ultimately cost me a lot of time and dignity, several dinners at The Palm, several really good bottles of wine, and trying to break the world record for the most calls exchanged between two friends in a 30 day period (current total - 206).
All in all, not too bad. Today, September 23rd, marks the first day of Fall. There is a full moon tonight and the temperature on Sunday is predicted to be 94 degrees. Life in this smoggery is pretty good.
Despite what happened to me at the Ralph's on Olympic and Barrington in West Los Angeles during my lunch break today.
It should be noted that I spent several years working in a rehab/nursing home in the suburbs of Chicago. During that time, I was around people who were unable to function in normal society. Most had fairly severe mental illnesses. That being said, I haven't worked there in a long time.
Today in the grocery store, I was browsing around the back aisle and looked down the cereal aisle, trying to recall if there was anything on my list that would be located there. Standing about 10 feet away from me was a very tall, dark haired woman in her early to mid-30s wearing a long grey wool coat and sporting a visible mustache. She was mumbling to herself and tapping her foot and seemed to be counting something on her fingers. Clearly some kind of nut. We made brief eye contact; I decided not to go down the cereal aisle and continued on. About 1 minute later, I noticed the face of a nice looking lady walking toward me suddenly turn to concern. Next thing I knew, the VERY tall grey coat lady leaped before me, stopping me in my tracks and looking at me with what can only be described as disgust. She looked at me for a second and I said, "Hi." I tried to reenact this for Matt, and we determined that my voice was probably high pitched and the tone was a mix of sarcasm and fear. I did a quick assessment of the situation and determined that she really could have been hiding anything under that coat. Broken glass, kitchen utensils. After that unfortunate Target incident awhile ago, I don't really trust any wandering crazy ladies in this town. She didn't say anything to me and was clearly pissed. She raised her eyebrows at me a couple of times. I did not respond. Then she reached out, knocked a box of Triscuits off the shelf very close to my face, looked at me again and quickly walked past me, presumably leaving the store. It was very unsettling. Needless to say, I don't think that I collected all the items I need to make potato salad tonight.
Another weird thing happened to me involving a different crazy person as I was exiting this very same grocery store today, but I don't think that I can tell that story without sounding racist.